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R. Y.

Thank you so much for all the wonderful work you have done... I have benefitted so much and will always remember you!

M. L.

When I think about all that I have gained from your wisdom, your insight and your genuine capacity to care about others, I realise that I have been blessed...

E. P.

I feel stronger now, and I know... that so much of that strength is down to you.

H. J. 

Sophie is a truly talented woman. I turned to her in my darkest hour, when my husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer after our marriage breakdown. Over time, I found reasons to smile again. Although there are difficult times, I have belief in myself, and have repaired the relationships with our children. 

D. R.

Despite not thinking I really deserved or needed therapy, Sophie made me feel comfortable, and that my "silly" problems weren't silly. Her warmth and acceptance, and deep wisdom are treasures. 

M. C.

When I became a parent, I wanted to run away almost all the time. Sophie was that safe, confidential space away from my family to whom I could say anything... I now feel like a good, no great, dad, and hope that our work has stopped that cycle. 
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